Monday, September 30, 2013

Some Mummy Resources

Check out these other great articles on other mummies around the world.

Unwrap A Mummy

A museum in Sweden is now offering a great interactive where you can "unwrap" a mummy. This was created by compiling  numerous CT scans and xrays. The exhibit is set to open in Spring of 2014.

Perth Mummy CT Scanning

Just like Padihershef, this mummy has waited thousands of years for a CT scan. There is also a project in the works to document and make an international database of human and animal remains. Perhaps one day Padi will be in the database!

Scanning Animal Mummies

This is a small clip of the Brooklyn Museum's animal mummy x-ray and CT scanning project. This will help museum professionals and researchers learn more about the animals life, mummification process and more.